Labyrinth of a New Birth Business
I’ve been working with Labyrinth images for years in my Birthing from Within practice, thanks to the visionary work of Pam England (check out her book the Labyrinth of Birth!) So it’s not surprising that I can relate the labyrinth to the experience of self-employment – much like I can find birth symbolism just about anywhere!
The Path is Unknown
While we know the path will lead us to the center, we have no sense as we enter the labyrinth of our new birth business of how long it will take to travel or what we might encounter a long the way. The path is your teacher, and our task to be fully present to the needs of our business now while also having a sense of the larger dream we are moving towards. A lot like birth, no? Consider how you support your clients as they enter the unknown, the compassionate encouragement you offer, and remember to be gentle with yourself along the way.
The Journey is Emotional
While you may have images of the business world as being relatively straightforward, the reality is that self-employment is inherently an emotional journey. Feels of excitement, overwhelm, fear, inspiration, anxiety and more tend to emerge and cycle through as you learn and grow along with your birth business.
The Path can be Confusing
While we know that a labyrinth inevitably leads us from the entrance to the center and back out again, as you walk a labyrinth there inevitably comes a moment when you are unsure of where you are in the path. Just as it seems like you are moving closer to the center, you find yourself in an outer ring wondering if you’ll ever get there… Trust in the path. Along the way there will be countless options – new skills to develop, social media options, networking opportunities. Listen carefully to your intuition and remain true to the heart of your practice and you will find your way sooner than you think!
Share in the Journey
While you have your own unique journey through the labyrinth, there are many others who are on the same path. They may be a few months or years ahead of you, or perhaps just stepping over the threshold to begin their journey, but each birth professional has something to offer you.
Be Where you Are
The great task & lesson of the labyrinth is to simply be where you are. Not where you were a week or a year ago, not where you hope to be in six months. Right here, right now, where are you in your practice? What does this moment ask of you? Don’t allow yourself to get lost in the list of things to do. Ask yourself: What simple step forward can I take today in support of my birth practice?
There is no simple answer to how long it takes to walk this labyrinth of your new birth business. What I do know is this: One fine day you will wake up and simply feel confident and secure in your practice. Strong in your skills, a wonderful community of clients past, present & future, and all the infrastructure you need to successfully grow your birth business in the years to come.
This labyrinth of new birth business ownership is a true blessing – along the way you will gain confidence, many new friendships, and a strong sense of the unique gifts and skills you are here to offer your community. ENJOY 🙂
Hi there, I’m Sarah Juliusson, and yes I really am a Website Doula. I support your practice growth with creative website design, seasoned business guidance, and plenty of great resources to help you find your way. With 13 years in web design, and another 20+ years as a health & wellness pro, I believe in the value of your work as much as you do. Explore your options for a custom website today.