Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Oh SEO… It makes most people want to hide under the covers and never even try. Some of us, however, totally geek out on this stuff. Search engine optimization, in my opinion, is an incredible tool. Understanding even a bit of how it works can make a big difference for your business.

So, if you want to learn about keywords, on page optimization, off page optimization, why site speed matters for your SEO, and how on earth to get those page one results you long for, this is the blog category for you!

local citations website

How to use local citations to boost your website SEO

Search engine optimization just keeps changing… As a local business owner, one of the tools you may not yet be using to grow your search rankings is local citations. I’ve just started offering this as a new service, so thought I’d share more about the SEO benefits of using local citations. If your website is…

Laptop and clock on desk. how long does it take for a website to show in google

How long does it take for my new website to show in google search results?

It’s hard to resist, I know… So often the moment we launch a new website, clients immediately hop on google the next morning expecting to show up #1 on page 1 of search results. Or at least somewhere on that page! Or the next page perhaps? Somewhere on google? Anywhere on google! I get it….

chiropractor SEO tips

Choosing keywords for your chiropractic website

I recently sat down with Dr. Danielle Angela on the Health and Wellness Practitioners Podcast to explore search engine optimization tips for chiropractor clinic websites on her podcast. We quickly found that we have a lot in common in our approaches to supporting clients, including defining your unique niche in order to implement an effective…

how to google your business

The Truth About Googling Your Business

You’re pretty much not going to like what I have to say here. You might find it disheartening, dismaying, disempowering, disappointing, and likely a few other dis- words I’m not thinking of at the moment. Admit it – you’ve Googled yourself (along with a few exes…) It is interesting to see what comes up, and…

website speed and seo

Fast Websites Have Better SEO

I’m not sure “Fast Websites Have Better SEO” would make much of a tshirt slogan, but the benefits of site speed are worth paying attention to. Did you know that 40% of people abandon a website page if it doesn’t load in less than 3 seconds? THREE SECONDS y’all. I can’t even say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in…

are you showing up in search results?

Why Your Doula Website Isn’t Showing Up in Search

I got this question from a doula on social media and thought I’d turn my response into a blog post because it touches on some important points to remember when evaluating how your site is performing in search. (Also, a great example of how to make blogging easy!) My business website is not coming up…

link building strategy

Online Links for your Doula Website

Getting links for your birth or postpartum website is a key component of your SEO strategy. Along with of course local listings on the websites of other local practitioners such as the midwifery clinic or chiropractic office, you can set up national or international level links on a variety of listing sites. Along with the…

vaginal steaming seo

Vaginal Steaming and SEO

It would appear that a new trend has emerged in the birth industry! While doing search engine optimization for a client’s website I found a striking result in the Google keyword tool. It’s pretty crazy. Between December 2014 and January 2105 searches on Google for the terms “vaginal steaming” and “vaginal steam” more more than…


doula website design (6)

I do my best to include helpful posts for your online strategy and your holistic business. Whether you are a midwife, chiropractor, doula, or non-profit / advocacy organization, you will find tips & tricks to improve your website and use it as a creative tool to get more clients.

Have a topic you'd like to learn more about? Email me at and let me know!

The Website Doula

Hi there, I’m Sarah Juliusson, The Website Doula. I support your practice growth with creative website design, seasoned business guidance, and plenty of great resources to help you find your way. With 20+ years as a doula and childbirth educator, I believe in the value of your work as much as you do. >> learn more about my work as the website doula