Is it time to redesign your website for your wellness business?

Did you wake up this morning, look at your website, and just feel “blah”, or even release an outward groan… Building a website is a big investment of time and money, and when we publish our new site we of course want it to last for as long as possible!
Here’s the catch: websites seem to have about a 3-year lifespan. I’m usually very happy with my website for 2-3 years and then one day I wake up and want to change – Yesterday… It is pretty normal to find the desire emerge for a new site or design “refresh” every 1 – 3 years.
Why do websites have only a 3-year lifespan?
Web design standards change regularly. Styles, on-trend color combos, fonts, accessibility standards, mobile responsivity, and tech tools to keep it all humming along smoothly… If your website was built more than 3 years ago, then it is likely you would benefit from a refresh.
As your holistic business grows & changes, so do your wellness website needs. New services, expanded teams, updated pricing and packages, integrating new brand photos, and adding new locations are frequent website updates I do for clients.
Sometimes clients find it is time for a rebrand. New logo, colors, and even sometimes a new domain name. This is a big task, but important to do before things get really big & well-established!
5 questions to determine if you need to redesign your wellness website:
To help you stay current, I find it helpful to take a close look at your site content, flow, and Google rankings at least every 3 – 6 months. Here are a few questions to help you consider if current your site is working for you:
1) How do you feel when you are on the site? Does it feel like the colors, vibe & content represent you and your practice?
2) How is your search ranking? When you do a Google search for your services, does your site come up in the local search results? First page? Top five?
3) How is the traffic on your site? Are clients finding you online, or mostly by referrals and/or typing in your domain name? What percentage of site visitors sign up for your services?
4) How do people react to your website? Do you get positive feedback about your site from impressed clients?
5) Are you able to make changes yourself? If you’re waiting for your ex-boyfriend’s sister’s partner to make simple changes for you as a favor, it might be time to look at a new option that will give you more control!
If your answer is yes to even just one of these questions, I strongly encourage you to invest some time and energy into considering possible adjustments to your website. Big improvements can be made in just a few hours of “tweaking”, or perhaps it is time to invest in a new site to help your practice grow in years to come. Reach out today to explore your options!
Hi there, I’m Sarah Juliusson, and yes I really am a Website Doula. I support your practice growth with creative website design, seasoned business guidance, and plenty of great resources to help you find your way. With 13 years in web design, and another 20+ years as a health & wellness pro, I believe in the value of your work as much as you do. Explore your options for a custom website today.