Wellness Website Tips

If you have a wellness website design you likely are passionate about your work as a holistic practitioner, and way less passionate about managing your website…  As the Website Doula I am committed to sharing website tips & tutorials to help you grow your holistic website.

If you have ever found yourself confused by how to register a domain, create a gravatar, or what exactly to include on your about page or resources page, you’ll find the answers here. Is there something you want to know how to do but don’t see it here? Let me know at info@thewebsitedoula.com and it might just become my next free website tutorial!

how to google your business

The Truth About Googling Your Business

You’re pretty much not going to like what I have to say here. You might find it disheartening, dismaying, disempowering, disappointing, and likely a few other dis- words I’m not thinking of at the moment. Admit it – you’ve Googled yourself (along with a few exes…) It is interesting to see what comes up, and…

website speed and seo

Fast Websites Have Better SEO

I’m not sure “Fast Websites Have Better SEO” would make much of a tshirt slogan, but the benefits of site speed are worth paying attention to. Did you know that 40% of people abandon a website page if it doesn’t load in less than 3 seconds? THREE SECONDS y’all. I can’t even say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in…

website design inspiration

Birthing Your Website: Finding Your Design Inspiration

There is this moment in the journey of birthing a new website as we seek design inspiration and just the right blend of elements. It happens with every single website I help design. It feels a lot like that moment when a labouring mom is 8cm and things really get moving… We begin with ideas,…

schedule blog posts wordpress

How to Schedule a Blog Post in WordPress

Keeping up a regular blog schedule can be daunting, even with the best of intentions. You know you should blog, but actually following through with regular blog posts and new content creation doesn’t always happen. One of my top tips for wellness practitioners such as doulas, midwives, chiropractors and naturopaths who are struggling to keep…

spam comments blog

Spam or Real? Comments on Your Blog

If you blog on your wellness website, you likely get spam comments appearing in your inbox from time to time. One arrived in my inbox this morning that I actually read twice just to be sure my spam hunch was correct. They aren’t just about Viagra and Russian girlfriends anymore; in fact many seem to…

link building strategy

Online Links for your Doula Website

Getting links for your birth or postpartum website is a key component of your SEO strategy. Along with of course local listings on the websites of other local practitioners such as the midwifery clinic or chiropractic office, you can set up national or international level links on a variety of listing sites. Along with the…


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I do my best to include helpful posts for your online strategy and your holistic business. Whether you are a midwife, chiropractor, doula, or non-profit / advocacy organization, you will find tips & tricks to improve your website and use it as a creative tool to get more clients.

Have a topic you'd like to learn more about? Email me at info@thewebsitedoula.com and let me know!

The Website Doula

Hi there, I’m Sarah Juliusson, The Website Doula. I support your practice growth with creative website design, seasoned business guidance, and plenty of great resources to help you find your way. With 20+ years as a doula and childbirth educator, I believe in the value of your work as much as you do. >> learn more about my work as the website doula